Abhishek Pal
Nov 2, 2020
how to step out of your comfort zone by Abhishek Pal
Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash

Living on the Edge has its own charm.The actual fun begins while challenging yourself for something new, it doesn’t have to be Skydiving or Bungee jumping to break the blockage in our unconscious mind like we mostly read or hear.

This can start with a tiniest of things that have been long procrastinated.

# Writing down your weaknesses & fears — Attend one at a time.

# Start small & you will notice a Miraculous change.

# Coming out of bed in the first 5 secs of waking up.

# Path to success, Chosen By your heart.

# Not caring people laugh at your vision/mission.

# One extra set of exercise in the Gym.

# Inspire one more person for his/her good.

# Reading a loooooong pending book.

# Saying I LOVE YOU to your parents.

# Selfie with a stranger.

# No Internet day.

# A “Thank You” to a person cleaning your car/street/road/house etc.

# Be a good listener, trust me it sounds easy but it is not.

# Experimenting with Espresso instead of latte sometimes.

# A Coldwater bath


# Don’t just donate Food on the road, “Share a meal” to feel the depth of a heart.

# Stretching your limits# Breaking bad habits # Setting new daring goals.

Real “New year Resolution” starts very now not on First January, you know why because that doesn’t last long.

This world can be a better place with our “First step out of our COMFORT ZONE”.

It’s within You, Believe it !!



Abhishek Pal

Abhishek Pal is an Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, and a TRANSFORMATION STRATEGIST.